Are you a fiduciary?
Yes. As a registered investment advisor, Onyx Wealth Management LLC has a fiduciary obligation to act at all times for the sole benefit and interest of our clients. This is the highest standard of loyalty, trust and care as established by law.

In contrast, “fee-based” or “commission-only” advisors may only be required to act in the best interest of their employer and recommendations only need to be “suitable” for your situation, not necessarily what’s best for you. Unfortunately, many advisors aren’t held to a fiduciary duty at all, or perhaps only in certain situations. If your advisor is only a part-time fiduciary, how do you know when they stop acting in your best interest?
What is your approach to financial planning?
A comprehensive financial plan is the cornerstone of our Wealth Management service offering. We work with you to identify and evaluate your current sources of income, expenses, assets and liabilities, review your insurance portfolio, tax returns and legal documents to ensure we are as familiar as possible with the entirety of your personal financial profile.

We then develop a plan to identify potential risks, opportunities and strategies for reaching specific, quantifiable goals which we then track and monitor to ensure you stay on target after accounting for the most likely risks and roadblocks we are likely to experience along the way.

You will have 24/7 access to your plan, with options to review or explore various changes or alternate scenarios via your own personal planning website provided by our primary planning system, eMoney Advisor.
What is your investment philosophy?
In short, we believe that most financial markets are adequately efficient to render most active investment strategies to be an inefficient use of resources. Nonetheless, we also believe there is sufficient empirical evidence to support the ability of investors to actively manage their exposure to the risk of extreme declines in the value of their investments over the long term by utilizing a thorough and systematic approach to managing their asset allocation, taking into account prevailing valuations and economic conditions relative to specific, quantifiable objectives.

We have a broad mandate in our investment approach and look for attractive investment returns wherever they can be found. We use a global approach in selecting opportunities and employ both passive and active investments.
Do you use Index Funds or ETFs?
Yes. We incorporate index funds and ETFs into our clients’ portfolios when they are the best available option.
Do I have to sell all of my current investments to work with you?
No! This is a key differentiator of our firm. We only implement recommendations after considering the risk, prospective returns and taxation of your current AND prospective investment holdings. Our objective is to manage your exposure to risk and avoid unnecessary taxes – not to force you into a predetermined model or investment strategy.

Many, if not most, firms will ask you to sell out of all of your current investments in order to access one of their proprietary products or investment strategies or to generate new fee revenue for their firm.
May your wealth management services be retained separate from managing our investments or while only managing some of our accounts?
Yes. However, our fees for wealth management services are identical whether or not your accounts are managed directly by us, either on a discretionary or non-discretionary basis, or simply monitored and reviewed with ultimate investment decisions and transactional authority retained by you or an outside third party. In all cases, we require monitoring access to your accounts for analytical, performance, and other reporting purposes, regardless of which party is responsible for managing your investments.
What fees do you charge for your different services?
The fees for our wealth management services are calculated as a percentage of total household taxable income as reflected on the most recent tax return(s) PLUS a percentage of household net worth. Though less straight forward than the traditional AUM approach, we nonetheless engage in this form of billing in order to minimize the conflicts of interest associated with fees based solely on the investments that are directly managed by us. For example, no minimums are imposed on the quantity or composition of our clients’ investment assets. Rather a minimum fee of $1,800 per year is payable to us for wealth management services, the details of which are customized for each client based on the amount and structure of their net worth, personal preferences and risk tolerance.

In contrast, our investment management services are billed as a percentage of Assets Under Management (AUM) and start at 0.85% on the first $2,000,000 of assets, subject to a minimum account of $250,000.

Consulting or project bases services are available at the rate of $375 per hour.

Details of our fee structure for both Wealth Management and Investment Management services may be found in our Investment Advisor disclosure document, Form ADV Part II available here.
What other fees or costs are involved in managing our finances?
Costs for non-advisory related services, such as brokerage commissions, third party management fees, investment product expense ratios, etc. are paid separately and are not shared with or directed toward Onyx Wealth Management LLC, its owners or employees.

In certain instances, proprietary research and data services may be made available to Onyx Wealth Management LLC as part of the brokerage, custodial or investment management services rendered to clients of the firm. Such benefits are commonly referred to as “soft dollars” and could present a conflict of interest between the client and our firm.
Do you provide a free initial consultation?
Yes. We believe it is imperative that we discuss your prospective service needs with you in advance in order for us to have an opportunity to get to know each other and determine if our we are a good fit to work together. If so, we will provide you with a written proposal for services before becoming a client of our firm. If you choose not to engage our services, or if we feel we may not be the best fit for your particular needs, we will be happy to introduce you to an advisor we believe may be better able to assist you.
What is the profile of a "typical" client of your firm?
We have worked hard to leverage our technology and expertise to make our services accessible to a variety of clients across the wealth spectrum. We specialize in working with individuals, families and organizations under a unified framework which allows us to customize the client experience much more than what they are typically used to. In general, however, we have primarily worked with: Physicians, Business Owners, Senior Executives, Retirees and Young Professionals.

Having the opportunity to meet with you in person, or to speak with you via voice or video conference is the first step in establishing a mutually beneficial and, we hope, long-term relationship.
Do you provide any additional services besides wealth management and investment management?
Yes. From time to time we provide consulting services to individuals and family office clients seeking assistance with a specific project. Otherwise, though our Wealth Management services encompass a wide range of planning and analytical activities, we continue to work with outside specialists of your choosing for services such as tax preparation, legal advice, banking and trust services and accounting services. When appropriate, we are more than happy to introduce you to specialists with whom we have built meaningful relationships in the course of building our business. We do not share in any fees with anyone we may refer you to. Our only incentive is to ensure we connect you with the resources necessary to implement your plan.
How will you work with my current advisors (Attorneys, CPAs, and other professionals)?
We will work with your current advisors in any capacity you see fit. Our goal is to build a strong relationship with your advisors in order to complement and enhance both their and our work. In all cases, our job is to work together to provide context and the benefit of their expertise. As your advisor, we will be in a position to anticipate issues and opportunities that can be referred to your tax advisor, attorney, insurance specialist or other service providers for prompt consideration and resolution.
How can I view my investment performance and holdings?
You may view your accounts and performance at any time via our secure client portal. You will also be able to view your holdings daily through our third-party custodian’s website.
Where will my assets be held? What financial institution(s) do you represent?
Onyx Wealth Management LLC is a Registered Investment Advisor and completely independent. Our primary custodian, who holds your assets, is Charles Schwab & Co. However, if necessary, we will work with other custodians such as Fidelity Investments, TD Ameritrade, and others, when possible.
What are your credentials?
David Metzger holds a BS in Finance and International Business and an MBA from Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK. He holds both the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) and Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) designations. Though he is no longer affiliated with any insurance companies, he continues to maintain his insurance related designations including the CLU® (Chartered Life Underwriter), ChFC® (Chartered Financial Consultant) and CASL® (Chartered Advisor in Senior Living).
What experience do you have?
David began his career with one of the largest and most well-respected life insurance companies in the United States in 2001. He then spent seven years working at a fee-only wealth management firm in Memphis before moving to Chicago with his wife, where he held a number of positions specializing in stock research, financial planning and family office services before starting Onyx Wealth Management LLC in 2017.

The breadth of his responsibilities has enabled him to gain meaningful experience in nearly every facet of the wealth management industry. As a result, he holds specialized certifications in financial planning, investment research and analysis and insurance.
Have you ever been publicly disciplined for any unlawful or unethical actions in your professional career?
No. There have been no disciplinary actions taken against David Metzger or Onyx Wealth Management LLC for any unlawful or unethical activities.
Why should we choose you as our advisor?
You deserve not only someone you can trust to put your interests ahead of all others, but someone who will do so with empathy and respect - for where you have been, where you are currently, what it will take to reach your goals and what keeps you up at night. We will work to not only guide you toward your goals but to protect you from risks and obstacles along the way.
How do we begin working together?
Our professional relationship is established with the execution of our client service agreement. We then gather all data necessary to begin the financial planning and/or portfolio management process. We will then review our initial observations with you and, after gaining approval from you, will transition the management of your financial affairs in accordance with your specific needs and expectations. We will dedicate as much time as necessary to develop and implement your plan as your situation requires while respecting your privacy and availability.